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Life's Flavors

"What's that?"
"Lotus roots!"
"I ain't eating something that's been in muck!"
"Well you're goin hungry to bed"
"Hmm...I wish you'd gotten the flower instead"
"Onions, garlic, jalapenos and a dash of cilantro. Blend it all in"
"Let me wash that, you go slice the rest"
"Let it flow, for once, the river wont dry out"
"I'm cleaning it all right, don't come to me for bandages"
"Use the colander, you need to drain the water out"

Ring.. Ring.. Ring

"I'll get that"
Tick, chop, tick, chop, tick, chop.
"Who was it?"
"No one you know, are you done with the dicing?"
"Can you heat oil to a simmer?"
"Let me help dice the garlic. It needs to be fine for the flavor to seep in"
"Where do you hoard all the wooden spoons?"
"Umm.. behind the pans...? So, how was your day?"
"Nada especial. How was yours?"
"I need a break from work"
"I'm putting it all in. Are you done with the garlic?"
"Yup, here you go"
" Am I missing something?"
"I think it needs more color, how about some more cilantro and turmeric?"
"Yup and some mustard"
"Naah... too bitter. Maybe some lemon?"
"that smells amazing"
"Tastes amazing too"
"Pass it on. Could have been better"
"Could have been worse"

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