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N Korea wants military talks with US. Brown denies shift away from US. Iran allows UN inspectors to visit nuclear site. Kosovo tells West to ignore Russia on independence. Pakistani Muslims burn effigies of Musharraf, 'Uncle Sam.' E3: David Reeves Talks PS3. Surgeon General Nominee Vows to Uphold Science. Appeals Court Rejects Webcaster Royalty Delay. Intel, `$100 Laptop' Project Make Peace. UCSF pursues clear vision, more cash. GE In Its Prime. Digital music players unsafe in storms. Bush Asks Patience for 'An Ugly War' After Mixed Report. Rice Says Bush Iraq Strategy Needs More Time. Valley is West Nile free - so far. Canadians on flight with TB-infected man file suit. Report: Teen Birth Rate Hits Record Low. Brain May Be Able to Suppress Memories. No News, IS Bad News.

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